Global association of transfer pricing and valuation consulting firms with presence in the most entrepreneurial cities around the globe.
On March 20 📅our association will host a webinar about overview of tax changes in Ukraine✍️ with the opinion and recommendations of Iego...
On February 21 📅our association will host a webinar about Transfer pricing system of Slovenia and short comparison with countries from t...
On January 17 📅our association will host a webinar about Transfer Pricing in Costa Rica; treatment by administrative and judicial author...
On December 13 📅our association will host a webinar about the Brazilian challenges with OECD adoption✍️ with the opinion and recommendat...
On August 16 📅our association will host a webinar about Transfer pricing precedents and most recent trends in US✍️ with the opinion and...
On July 19 📅our association will host a webinar about Use of AI for the creation of transfer pricing documentation✍️ with the opi...
On June 21 📅our association will host a webinar about Variable license/service fees as a tool to manage profitability at contract manufa...
On May 17 📅our association will host a webinar about Transfer pricing comparability analysis vs. business valuation analysis✍️ with the...
André Bergeron, a Partner of Gowling WLG, has been a member of our association for over a year. As an expert in transfer pricing, Mr. Be...
At Paris 2023, our team had the pleasure of sitting down with Mr. Terence Wilhelm, Partner of CARA Société d'Avocats, to discuss his exp...
On April 19 📅our association will host a webinar about Transfer Pricing Compliance in Malaysia✍️ with the opinion and recommendation...