Global association of transfer pricing and valuation consulting firms with presence in the most entrepreneurial cities around the globe.
Facts, Procedures, and the DecisionDECEMBER 2021 STATEMENT OF FACTSSAS Itron France (“Taxpayer”) (a manufacturer and distributor...
Last year, the US Tax Court's decision in the Coca-Cola case sent shockwaves through the tax and transfer pricing community. USD 12 billion...
This week I’d like to draw your attention to a Resolution of the Administrative Tax Court of Panama of 9 July 2021, which set a precedent fo...
The following article is part of a series of case studies and articles which have been kindly contributed by Dr. Harold McClure, a New-Y...
The following article is part of a series of case studies which have been kindly contributed by Dr Harold McClure, a New-York based econ...